
We are going to the web and I am taking all the .net classes and the PowerBuilder is a .net class with using CSharp way better than Microsoft classes. I love it. They tell you what you can do with PowerBuilder. They tell you this is a target; this is what it is in .net. And I really like the learning. Its not like I am relearning everything. I am able to say okay I know what that is and just pick it up so much faster. I really like it.    

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很多新手想要學習 PowerBuilder,但是卻是一直找不到適當的資源可以學習 PowerBuilder。

今天在網站上面搜尋到一個網站有提供  PowerBuilder 電子書講義文檔 (比較美中不足的是簡體中文版),希望對 PowerBuilder 初學者有幫助。

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WPFWindows Presentation Foundation)是美國微軟公司推出.NET Framework 3.0的組成部分之一,它是一套基於XML、.NET Framework、向量繪圖(vector graphic)技術的展示層(presentation layer)開發框架,微軟視其為下一代使用者介面(user interface)技術,將廣泛被用於下一代的Windows平台(Windows Vista)的介面開發。

WPF使用一種新的XAML(eXtensible Application Markup Language)語言來開發介面,這將把介面開發以及後台邏輯很好的分開,降低了耦合度,使使用者介面設計師與程式開發者能更好的合作,降低維護和更新的成本。

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Building your first mobile application using PocketBuilder
Take PowerBuilder applications mobile with PocketBuilder. Put your PowerBuilder skills to use on mobile applications with PocketBuilder, the rapid application development tool for PocketPC and Windows Mobile.

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很多人在使用 PowerBuilder 的時候,會遇到一些無法解決的問題,跟大家推薦一個不錯的網站,PowerBuilder 程式俱樂部,相信對大家在學習 PowerBuilder 應該會很有幫助。 


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integer li_ii
for li_ii = 1 to 10

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底下是 PowerBuilder 12 的相關學習文件(原文)

PowerBuilder 12 Getting Started Guide

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在一段 select 或 update 之後
有沒有加 commit using sqlca; 有沒有什麼差別呢??

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